Your Small Help Make World Better! Help us support their work – make a donation Donate Now Picture Story and Multimedia and Social Documentary projectinformation sheet Title/subject * Objective (education, pitch, informational, social?) * Who is the target audience? * What actions do we need to motivate? * Whom do we need to reach to make that happen? * What are the best channels to reach them? * What is the timeframe for this project? (Estimated shoot, edit, and campaign launch dates) * What are the finished assets needed to complete this project and how will they be used (examples – still images for print campaign, video (how many min), audio piece, images and audio for website). Optimal time for an online video is 2:30 seconds or less? * What is your budget for this project? (pre-production, shooting, audio, editing) Also, consider any additional expenses such as logo and infographics you need. As a basic rule of thumb edited video is $3,500 per minute. Total cost varies depending on logistics, specialized equipment, and locations. Some videos will also need stock footage, licensed music or original score, maps, infographics, and text beyond this base cost. * What style and tone will sit well with your target audience? (Silly or serious video be more effective? Formal or informal? Be sure your selection of style will connect with your audience and support your goals). * What is your existing vision for the project? (Who is the focus, what is the story, where is the location, and any other details you have). * Submit