Clean Water is an essential human need. Every day, a single person on Earth requires at least 14 litters of clean water for drinking. Millions of people on this earth have no access to clean, safe water for food production, sanitation, and personal hygiene. About half of the world schools and over 663 million people on the earth have no access to clean water which means 1 in 9 persons.
We at Global Humanitarian Photojournalism have initiated the Clean Water Project, the aim of which is to provide people with clean water for drinking, sanitation and cooking food. Clean water is not just necessary for drinking but also for sanitation because, without it, sanitation wastes not only breeds disease, it can rob people of their basic human dignity.
Water sources may be variable throughout the world by season, by rainfall, and by location. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), people and especially children often have to travel more than one kilometre from the place where they used the water. Clean Water is a crippling challenge because polluted water is not just dirty, it is full of water-borne diseases that can cause illness and even death due to diarrheal diseases. By providing clean water we can break the cycle of poverty because lack of access to clean water is the leading cause of poverty in many countries and without water, we can’t grow food, we can’t work and can’t stay healthy.
Access to clean water will improve education because it saves children’s time when they are freed from gathering water and return to their schools. Access to clean water will improve health, food security and reduce poverty.
If you're looking for a water organization to donate, then send your donations to Global Humanitarian Photojournalism and join our campaign to give children easy access to clean water and help save their lives. It is estimated that your every 1$ invested in a clean water program yields up to 12$ in economic returns.
Join our mission today by giving donations to our CLEAN WATER PROJECT, because having access to clean water could be a matter of life or death. Your support will change their life and the water crisis can be solved.
Think about it !!
Writing by Javeria Tariq/GHPJ